Crash Course to League of Legends

Champion Selection

Choosing which champion you are going to main can be a difficult process resulting in a lot of wasted time and frustration, but I am going to boil the options down to a few styles so that you can understand what they do, and in turn be able to select a champion that fits your style.


  Bruisers are the true jack of all trades champion. They present a balance of many aspects that all of the various champion specialties hold. A bruiser is an in your face, brawler type champion. They provide the tankiness to engage fights, and deal the damage to follow up. They can quickly take over a game if they get ahead. Their downside is that they are difficult to play with when behind, and are typically melee, creating a range disadvantage. They are typically strong at all stages of the game


  Assassins are a high-risk high-reward champion. They are incredibly squishy, lacking in health, but what they lack in health, they make up for in damage. An assassin can single-handedly carry a game in the right hands, but beware, as they are next to useless when they are behind.


  Mages are reliant, and are the bread and butter of mid lane champions. They thrive on long lasting games, where they can fight in 5v5 settings, and consistently output damage. They are typically weak early in the game, but are late game monsters.


  Marksmen are the physical varient of mages in terms of playstyle. They are typically very weak early in the game, but scale to be late game monsters. It typically takes 20-30 minutes before marksman begin to have a strong impact, but once they hit their powerspike, they can take over a team fight. They are incredibly squishy, and lack health to stay alive on their own. Pair with a tank!


  Tanks are as reliable as they come. They are incredibly beefy, and can absorb a lot of damage. Their role is to set up team fights, lock down priority targets, and absorb as much damage as they can, enabling their team to output the damage.