Crash Course to League of Legends



  In League of Legends, the choices for items to build are nauseating to new comers, and it can be very confusing what should or what should not be built. We will tackle that here in this section to that you can make the choice on the fly, because we know that every second matters!


    For defensive champions, learning to assess the capabilities of your opponents quickly will simply take time to learn. If the enemy is primarily comprised of magic dealing champions, building magic resist will be efficient for you. Vise-versa, if you build armor, it will be effective against physical damage champions.


If you have picked an offensive style champion (assasins, bruisers, marksmen, and mages), build according to what damage your champion deals! Mages, and some assasins build items that deal "ability power", whereas bruisers, marksmen, and certain assasins build items that deal "attack damage"